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Ajaoko.Com- An Innovation For A New Dawn In African Agriculture

In Africa, Agriculture is wider than just a profession; it is a culture. It is a treasure handed down to us by God through our ancestors. With it many lives were and are still being transformed, many stories have been re-written and nations built. The western countries are what they are today and are still surviving as a result of the Africans' human and natural agro resources which were explored during colonialism.

You don’t need a fortune teller to know that African has been designed by God to feed the world. Allow me to borrow the words of the Nigeria minister for information and culture Mr. Lai Muhammad.  “Our soil grows arguably all crops and our vegetation supports animal life as varied as creation can manifest, rivers and coast lines are rich with fishes and various kind of lives”. These words spoken on February 19th, 2016 are indeed a reflection of Nigeria’s abundant resources and Africa at large

I strongly believe that the Africa agro potential has not been fully explored. It is not hyperbolical to say that we can do far and beyond with agriculture than what we are doing at the moment. It is with this passion that concept was birthed. is not just an idea, it is a heart burn desire; a burden to move Africa from an overdependence to a self-sufficient continent with the full capacity not only to feed her citizens but the entire world. With this concept we can persuasively declare that Africa is becoming a global food and agro hub in no distance future. At, we believe in Africa feeding Africans and that’s why we are here to promote our own farmers; both young and aged, men and women, peasant and commercial. 

But what is this all about? 

It is a concept that is taking a holistic approach to tackling African food and agro challenges. If you call it an e-agro marketing platform you are right, call it an e- agro resource centre, you are on point, if you choose to call it a capacity building concept or an online agro networking centre you are also absolutely correct. 

Oh yes! All these in one place

At we promote small and medium scale agripreneurs by connecting them with food manufacturing and agro allied industries. We also provide a platform for them to sell their products and services online, reaching wide range of customers, right from their farms and offices with just a click of the right button. The large scale farmers and agro service providers are not also left out. 

We also build capacity of young agriprenuers through our e-agro academy platform, combining practical with experiences of our highly qualified tutors, teaching them when, how and what to do as regarding African agriculture. Here we use contemporary illustrations to teaching the right way - the African way. 

Our e-agro resource centre also equips farmers with the latest resource findings and improved techniques with which you can improve your productivity with smart agriculture. This is indeed a new dawn for African agriculture. Don’t be left out of this trail. 

Visit to sign up for free to offer your agro products and services for sale. 


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