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Announcing our E-competition Winners - 2021 Edition!

We want to send a big thank you to everyone who participated in our contest and helped make it a success!

And a special congratulations To Cornelius Joojo Cobbina, Gold Julian Omolola, Sheriff Noi, Safiyya Kassim and Nimeshkumar Jitendra Gorani , the five selected winners of the YPARD/AGRINATURA/Agrisciences share e-Competition entitled 'share your Story!'

These five stories stood out the most from all the entries, and have been crowned the winners!

MSc category:

First place: Cornelius Joojo Cobbina

This piece will take us to impact of women in agriculture dubbed as "the silent world changers" Enjoy reading his story at

Second place: Gold Julian Omolola

Her research story "Cashew, farmers, and the value chain system- My research story thus far" details her journey in kenya among cashew farmers. Enjoy reading her story at

Third place: Sheriff Noi

His research story takes us on biogas implementation in Vietnam: Small-Scale biogas plants in Vietnam: its effects by policy issues?. Enjoy reading his story at

BSc category:

First place: Safiyya Kassim

Her story provides insights into her research journey as an undergraduate student " Rescued from the pits of despair".

Enjoy reading her story at

Second place: Nimeshkumar Jitendra Gorani

His story highlights his desire to contribute to agriculture development in his community dubbed the "Advancing youth for the truth". Enjoy reading his story at 

Our panel of judges, which included experts from YPARD, AGRINATURA,Agrisciences and CZU, chose the winning stories based on how well they exemplified the entry requirements, the storytelling style and the overall quality of the entries.

Congratulations to the FIVE! 

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Small-Scale Biogas Plants in Vietnam: How are They...


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