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My Journey in the farm

“Mentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen and a push in the right direction” - John C Crosby Everyone in life needs someone to show them how to do what they know best. Having being born in a farming family and having spent my whole childhood rearing rabbits and doing other farm chores, I developed a very deep connection... Continue reading

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  • Kenya
  • Promote agriculture among young people
  780 Hits
780 Hits

Youth, A key Ingredient in Agricultural Development

An increasing proportion of the African children are completing primary school as compared to Fifty years ago (70% in 2011), and as they transition into young adulthood, most still face the challenges of unemployment and underemployment aggravated by their lack of relevant skills, education and limited access to land and capital to start their own enterprises. As a young man who... Continue reading

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  • Kenya
  • Creating opportunities for policy debate
  957 Hits
957 Hits