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YPARD Netherlands: youth in agriculture meet&greet

YPARD Netherlands is pleased to invite all members for a discussion event/meet&greet on November 9, 2017, from 16:00 pm to 18:00 pm, at the hosting institute KIT in Amsterdam!YPARD being a networking platform, has also invited other partner organisations to this event to join the discussions and to give its members a chance to meet and interact with other youth/agriculture based... Continue reading

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  • Netherlands
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  704 Hits
704 Hits

The Power of Networking Among Youths

What drives young people to join networks? How does membership of a network strengthen one’s position in society?  As a member of several networks such as YPARD, Prolinnova (Promoting local innovation) and Youth Food movement, these are some of the questions I ask myself at times. Generally, when people talk about networks, they talk about creating a sense of belonging, building... Continue reading

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  • Promote agriculture among young people
  1175 Hits
1175 Hits