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GFRAS - YPARD call for stories

How are the local agricultural sector and rural advisory services coping with COVID-19? GFRAS has recently conducted a survey on what kind of COVID-19 information our constituency would like us to provide. The absolute top interest lied on understanding the impact of COVID-19 on food value chains, and possible mitigation strategies. We have also seen more than 1,000 unique hits on... Continue reading

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  • Italy
  • Promote agriculture among young people
  1147 Hits
1147 Hits

GFRAS and YPARD: The dawn of a strategic alliance

There is no question the current global food system is under ever-growing pressure which means meeting the foundation SDGs - SDG 1 and 2 on poverty and hunger - are challenged. YPARD and GFRAS believe that combining efforts can yield better results. Pressure in the global food systems can be linked to a multitude of factors: the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, increasing... Continue reading

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  • Italy
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  1018 Hits
1018 Hits