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Agro-Connect: Tackling Youth Challenges in Agriculture

Recently, findings and evidence have shown that we may face another challenge that is not born because of conflicts and disputes as seen in the past century, but a challenge born out of the inability for a nation to successfully provide food for its citizens. Hunger is not based on seasonality and so, food production and food security should not be... Continue reading

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  • Nigeria
  • Promote agriculture among young people
  1129 Hits
1129 Hits

World Food Day 2017 SDG2: Zero Hunger Changing the future of migration, Invest in Food Security and rural Development Food Security; The place of Teenagers

The average farming age in Nigeria is between 61 and 65years and the average age is 24 years . Our visit to St Mulumba Catholic College in Ile-ife an ancienty city where most household have in recent times practiced farming of some sort, was set out to educate the teenagers on the dangers of not choosing careers in agriculture and the... Continue reading
  795 Hits
795 Hits

YPard Nigeria (Osun State) Cato Foods #WFD2017 SDG 2: ZeroHunger Changing the Future of migration, invest in food security and rural development

  If women had the same access to productivity as men they could increase yields in their fields by 20-30%. This alone would raise total agricultural output in developing countries (Nigeria included) by 2.5-4%, which would reduce the no of hungry people in the world by 12-17% or 100-150 million people. (FAO 2011) The statistics around food security, youth unemployment, post-harvest losses and rural development has... Continue reading
  818 Hits
818 Hits