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Climate Policies and the Scientific Community

The 5th Asia-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Forum has kicked off today in Colombo and its expected to bring together an estimated of 800 national delegates, 500 scientists, and over 1,00,000 public participants for the 3 day event which ends on October 20. This forum will, in its sessions, focus on a number of climate change adaptation issues which will cover a range... Continue reading

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  • Nepal
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688 Hits

Paris Agreement and Adapting in a Warmer World

China and the USA ratifying the Paris Agreement, nearly five months after it was opened for signature, has created quite a global buzz. More recently so, India too has joined this accord and this is indeed huge. So, now we have three of the world’s largest economies and GHG emitters finally agreeing on “Holding the increase in the global average temperature... Continue reading

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  • Nepal
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  873 Hits
873 Hits