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Tips for gardening by the moon cycle

No, no, no – you won’t have to literally garden in the moonlight. That would be inconvenient.  Using the lunar cycle to pinpoint seed planting dates for healthier plants and more bountiful harvest is an age-old practice still used to this day. It might not be the most popular trend right now, but it is based in science and suggested by... Continue reading

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  825 Hits
825 Hits

Calculating water pressure for your rain barrel

Collecting rainwater in barrels for outdoor use is an appreciated practice.  As interest has grown in home gardening and locally grown food, so has the popularity and interest in rain barrels for garden watering. However, our attention is often focused on collecting water, its cleanliness, and installing the collection/distribution system when it should be on water movement. It’s not entirely our... Continue reading

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  • United States of America
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  7291 Hits
7291 Hits