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2020 has yielded to 2021: This, I celebrate

Dear friends and colleagues,  2020 is a year that leaves unforgettable marks. Many of us will remember it for many different reasons. A year that has taken so much. A year that has given so much. I believe that it is OK to grieve and celebrate its passing – however, we feel.   2020 has yielded to 2021. This, I celebrate. YPARD... Continue reading

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  • Canada
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  1385 Hits
1385 Hits

Green Jobs: Call for success stories

Dear colleagues,  YPARD is collaborating with the Expertise France’s Post-2020 Biodiversity Framework EU Support and FAO on the development of a policy paper on driving transformative changes through decent and green job creation for youth, with a special focus on agri-food systems.  We want to showcase some successful ongoing activities of youths/young professionals that illustrate opportunities for transformative changes through engagements... Continue reading

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  • Italy
  • Promote agriculture among young people
  1144 Hits
1144 Hits

EdenWorld TweetChat with the YPARD Director

What are the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on the world’s food system? This question sets the backdrop of a recent chat with EdenWorld (EW) and Dr. Yemi Adeyeye, the YPARD Director, on the theme – roles of young professionals in achieving sustainable agri-food system in a Post COVID-19 world. EW: What makes an agri-food system sustainable?  Yemi: In simple terms,... Continue reading

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  • Italy
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  1127 Hits
1127 Hits

Welcome to 2020: Re-evaluate, renew and realign

It is the year 2020! Happy new year! For YPARD, all hands are already on deck. Many young professionals are already back to the grind. It is an opportunity to start strong with increased potentials for better returns, as the new year transitions from days of public merriments and vacations to periods of evaluation - “what progress have I made this... Continue reading

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  • Italy
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  1107 Hits
1107 Hits

Leveraging global experiences for Africa’s agricultural development

In a globalized world, international mobility is a commonplace.  We travel and sojourn in foreign lands for trade, leisure or pleasure and other forms of experiences that “more and varieties” can afford us. For youth, in particular, we travel also for educational reasons.  What we learn and experience in this process change us in many different ways.  For African youth taking... Continue reading

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  • Netherlands
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  987 Hits
987 Hits

Driving the food agenda: partnerships for a common goal

To enable young professionals as key influencers that drive sustainable food systems is a key role of YPARD as a global youth network. For this reason, YPARD interacts with different organizations that drive sustainable food agenda through their works.  The Tropical Agriculture Platform (TAP) and the European Alliance on Agricultural Knowledge for Development (Agrinatura) are two of YPARD’s partner that fall... Continue reading

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  • Italy
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  869 Hits
869 Hits

Youth from everywhere to Bonn in 2018: #ThinkLandscape

Progressing from commitment to action was a tag line that made more than a thousand representatives of government, NGOs and indigenous organizations, activists, finance, private sector, scientists, media and youth converge in #GLFBonn2018, from 29th November – 2nd December 2018.    It was a great opportunity for global deliberation on issues related to advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) through a... Continue reading

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  • Italy
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  969 Hits
969 Hits

Welcome to 2019: Looking forward and beyond

Dear YPARDians, Happy New Year!  The New Year comes with opportunities to assess our joint efforts, learn from them and celebrate our achievements. It is also an opportunity to do more, together. The achievements of YPARD over the years highlight how much YPARD has grown as well as the potential to grow further. The YPARD team has commenced a compilation of... Continue reading

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  • Italy
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  907 Hits
907 Hits