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Call for a new YPARD Steering Committee Member

Young Professionals for Agricultural Development (YPARD) is seeking a new steering committee member to guide its strategic development. 

YPARD is a global youth network that supports the creation of the next generation of agricultural leaders, thinkers, and entrepreneurs to address critical development issues.  YPARD contributes with its extensive knowledge on youth-relevant issues in agriculture through its network of more than 15,000 registered members globally. YPARD’s global youth outreach is further underpinned by its strong online presence through active social media channels, its position as a network of networks and capacity to reach less connected youth through the over 65 national representatives who develop and implement activities on the ground with rural and urban youth in agriculture. 

YPARD is looking for a new Steering Committee member to contribute actively to a growing YPARD and help to steer the strategic development of YPARD. We are looking for an experienced, but most importantly enthusiastic young professional (under 40 years) active in agricultural development.  In our SC, we always look at having the greatest representation of our stakeholder base, gender and region. 

An SC member is expected to voluntarily work and communicate electronically for 1-2 days per month, participate in the annual SC meeting (2-3 days) and one or more agricultural development related event to represent YPARD.  The function and role of the SC are described below, which is extracted from the Charter; also available on the website. 

The following items are desirable attributes of SC applicants:  

1) A YPARD member and committed to YPARD

2) Demonstrated support for YPARD

3) Good knowledge of the agricultural development environment

4) Good knowledge of English

If you are interested in becoming an SC member, please send a letter of motivation plus a maximum 2 page CV to 该邮件地址已受到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它需要在浏览器中启用 JavaScript。 by May 29, 2017.

Please also visit to learn more about YPARD and its activities and sign up if you haven’t already!  

Read more about the roles and responsibilities of the YPARD Steering Committee in the YPARD Charter

We look forward to hearing from you!

Photo credit: Hansjürg Jäger (YPARD)

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