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Collaborating for Food Wastage;RECUP and YPARD Italy

Cooking with Deliver Taste. Photo Credit: Hansjürg Jäger (YPARD)

For the last few months, the world focused on food wastage with Milan being the epicenter of the greatest food gathering in history; EXPO Milano 2015.

This in turn has put Milan on a pedestal as the centre for movement against food waste and in favor of a correct development of agriculture. And for agriculture to be sustainable, young people participation is key. This is why the  EXPO Milan 2015 gave young professionals the opportunity to be connected across disciplines, professions, ages and regions for an exchange of information and knowledge by participating at events that are taking place physically in the city center. See  Terra Madre event and Feeding 5000 Milan for more examples on youth involvement in curbing food waste.

A visible triclkle down effect is that  a lot of events  in Italy are now driven by a drive to decrease of food waste Many fodd waste focussed meetings and events are happening even amongst people who are not in the food sector. 

YPARD Italy is one of them.

In November, YPARD Italy started collaboration with RECUP  , a food waste reduction movement based in Milan . The collaboration aims at integrating, sensitizing and sharing some possible solutions to the YPARD community to fight this big problem affecting each country in the world!

RECUP  is a project born in the local markets to limit waste and social exclusion while creating a concept of community and solidarity within the neighborhood. Currently, RECUP is active in one Milan market called Papiniano and it is expanding into other markets in other areas of Milan in the coming months. The ultimate goal of this expansion is the creation of points of recovery and redistribution of food in every area of Milan, which can meet local residents and would be managed by the people themselves, so create intergenerational and intercultural dialogue. Needless to mention, priority will be given to those most 'in need'.

In view of this collaboration, YPARD Italy aims at creating a stronger conscience between YPARD members through an active participation to help create those points of recovery and redistribution of food all over the city. In addition, as young professionals  in agriculture, the members will try to give some tips to reduce the waste as for example showing how food surplus can be reuse at home. One can only hope that the result of this collaboration could be also an example for other Italian regions too as well as contribute to strategic policy debates in agricultural development. It may be early,but the process has already began. Policies debated in Italy are nowadays focused on food waste as a manner to develop more sustainable agri-food systems (check the food policy Milano web page at!

What activities are you doing to reduce food waste? Share them with with us on the comments section below.


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