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Do you know a successful female agripreneur? Be featured as Young Guest Blogger on Farming First!

International Women’s Day – Successful Women AgripreneursAs part of YPARD’s ongoing partnership with Farming First – we are looking for our next young contributor who will be featured on the International Women’s Day (8th of March) on Farming First’s popular blog, which receives thousands of visitors each month.

International Women’s Day – Successful Women Agripreneurs

With a view to promote women agripreneurs, we are calling for young writers’ contribution for March on the topic: “Successful Women Agripreneurs.”

Women are the axis of the economy and their values govern the rural market.  Farm women play an important role in agricultural entrepreneurship as, in many cases, they are the ones who initiate and develop new agricultural business activities.

  • Are you, or have you met a successful female entrepreneur who is running successful agribusinesses in the developing world?
  • What have they needed in order to succeed?
  • What impact has their business had on their local community?

How do I contribute?

Before being pre-selected, candidates (up to 40 years old) are asked to submit a short synopsis of their proposed article, by 1st of February, 2015. This should include a title for your piece and three supporting arguments/points that will outline the scope of your blog. This synopsis should be up to 300 words.

The selected Youth Guest Blogger will then submit their article by November 2nd. We will be expecting:

  • 600-900 words
  • Write in a conversational style for a non-specialist audience
  • Any statistics, facts and quotes must be referred and/or hyperlinked to the original source
  • Include case studies for a personal touch
  • Embed links to further information on projects and programs covered
  • Propose a short and catchy title; prefer short paragraphs and sentences to long ones
  • Do mention your full name, position and affiliation with YPARD
  • Feel free to include photos with your blog, or a video/presentation/poster
  • Credit all pictures - either taken by you or from someone else, and make sure photos are Creative Commons
  • Blogs should be written in English

Visit Farming First’s guidelines for guest contributors for instructions on how to get in touch with us and the style of content we are looking for. 

Farming First and YPARD will jointly select the writer who will submit the blog. Farming First will make the final edition. Selection criteria will include:

  • How inspiring and compelling your story is?
  • How concrete your message and examples are

Please send your expression of interest to Liz Sharma 该邮件地址已受到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它需要在浏览器中启用 JavaScript。 by 1st of February, 2015. 

Click here to check Farming First & YPARD Blogging Partnership 2015 Plan and be Farming First’s featured young writer! Your unique perspective as a young person it’s very important to us!

Picture credit: Handful of dirt, by Alicia Jo McMahan.

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