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FANRPAN Youth Case Studies Twitter Campaign starting on 1st August 2012!

Youth at FANRPAN Regional Dialogue (2011)

Photo Courtesy: FANRPAN

The Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network (FANRPAN), in collaboration with the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation ACP-EU (CTA) commissioned 6 Country Case Studies (Malawi, Mauritius, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania and Zimbabwe) in November 2011 on current and emerging youth policies and initiatives with a special focus on links to Agriculture. The announcement of these case studies was made during the Regional Dialogue in September 2011, where the theme of the conference was "Advocating for the active engagement of the youth in the Agricultural Value-chain". 

This year, the FANRPAN Annual High Level Regional Food Security Policy Dialogue will be held from 3-7 September 2012 in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania with the theme "From Policy to Practice: Advocating for the Active Engagement of Youth in Agriculture Value Chains", whereby the 6 Country Case Studies conducted by youth representatives from each of these countries will be synthesised into a Regional Report, that will give a bird's eye view of the current situation, identify gaps and better target interventions. The final report will be presented at the Regional Dialogue in September 2012.

Prior to the FANRPAN 2012 Regional Dialogue, a Twitter campaign will be run by each of the 6 young consultants who conducted the Country Case Studies from 1st to 31st August 2012 to engage youths and others who are interested in the case-studies in discussions on Twitter.

In order to participate in the Twitter campaign, you need to know the following:

The Twitter campaign will run for 4 weeks and each week, the focus will be on a specific topic, and hence will have a specific Hashtag (#) described below:

Week 1 (1-7 Aug) - Topic: Youth Perceptions on Agriculture -  #youthagperc

Week 2 (8-14 Aug) - Topic: National Policies as Key Drivers -  #youthagpol

Week 3 (15-21 Aug) - Topic: Institutions and Mechanisms for Youth Engagement - #youthageng

Week 4 (22-31 Aug) - Topic: Opportunities for Youth in Agriculture - #youthagopp

The Twitter handles of the youth running the campaign are as follows (make sure you Follow them)!:

Calvin Kamchacha (Malawi Case Study) : @calvinmalawi

Nawsheen Hosenally (Mauritius Case Study) : @nawsheenh

Obert Mathivha (South-Africa Case Study) : @omathivha

Mduduzi Dlamini (Swaziland Case Study) : @mduduzidlamini9

Evodius Rutta (Tanzania Case Study) : @erutta83

Tavaka Nyoni (Zimbabwe Case Study) : @the_imperium

Please find all the Country Case Studies on this Link: All Country Case Studies

If you are a Youth in Agriculture and you want your voice to be heard, this is the opportunity you should grab!

This is not all!

To complement the Twitter campaign launched by FANRPAN, YPARD will be supporting this initiative by providing an online platform to discuss on the weekly topics, whereby you will be able to give feedbacks on the different case studies and share your opinions!

By the end of the campaign, the discussions will be summarised and shared with you!

Join the debate with FANRPAN and YPARD on this Link: FANRPAN Youth Case Studies- e-discussions


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