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From new born baby in cotton industry to asserted Young Professional!

This world is full of billionaires, successful people from ordinary to extraordinary class, who had done uncountable tremendous jobs in their lives, so this may not make you WONDER, but this is the beginning of success for an ordinary girl, who believes that one day her dreams come true.

I am profoundly indebted to International Cotton Association for extending an invitation to participate as one of the YPARDian from Pakistan, in the ICA workshop/Training at Sheraton Hotel - Karachi.

Thanks for the tremendous, knowledgeable training; arranged by ICA and KCA team, under the experts advice and guidance in providing complete trading procedure. It was really supportive and informative to me, and served my own learning prospective to move ahead.

Also I would like to pay a sincere thanks to Mr. Kai Hughes (ICA Managing Director) and Mr. Derek Tanner (DAT Arbitration & Consultancy), their dedication and generosity while utilizing the precious time in helping me to be part of this workshop - it is greatly appreciated...

Nevertheless, am really grateful to Esrin Karcioglu, Marketing & Events Officer who gave me the tremendous opportunity to meet the person who always give me a lot of inspiration on how to become a better professional, trader/Research analyst. They taught me everything about trading Bylaws & Rules. Thanks Derek for the time you spent with me for further understanding of each trading procedure. Also I would like to pay thanks for sharing trading methodology. For me it is a golden memories, the time spent with you. I was with trading giants. Thank you ICA and YPARD. They made me think like a professional and act like a human for the entire world.

It was an unforgettable moment when I received an email from Ms. Esrin:

Dear Shahla

I would like to thank you for taking the time to attend the ICA workshop ‘Cotton Contracting and Bylaws & Rules’ and for your kind comments being very young professional in Cotton trading.

I was wondering if you would give me permission to feature your comments in a media release which we are planning on communicating this week? It would also act as some free publicity for a young professional of YPARD-Pakistan.

That was a speechless moment of my life, when i was looking at her email quietly, because it was an unexpected call for me, being a young professional. I am like a new born baby in cotton industry of Pakistan among all the senior traders and industry people. If ICA was asking to feature my comments for media release, then I must say it is a great achievement as young professional. So I would like to pay my sincere thanks for featuring my comments in a media release with my name. That is really a great achievement of YPARD-Pakistan, and being my teacher, Mr. Kai and Derek you rewarded me with worlds best gift ever.

This may not be a great achievement of anyone, but being a learner, for me it is precious. Success is a journey not a destination!

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