By Marina on 2013年7月29日, 星期一
Category: Blog Post

International Youth Day (IYD) 2013 – Preparing the celebrations!

Tell us about experiences of youth migration!

On 12 August 2013, we will be celebrating the Youth on International Youth Day. The assigned theme for 2013 is: ‘Youth Migration: Moving Development Forward’. “Youth are recognized as one of the most mobile social groups in the context of migration – they form about 30% of international migrants!” The UN says.

It is an important theme particularly for you working as young students and professionals in agriculture.

We want to know more about your perspective as young students and professionals involved (currently or in the past) in agriculture. What are the challenges pushing youth to migrate and which opportunities are youth seeking for by migrating? Did you gain or lose from migrating, or have you been impacted by the migration of others?

How has your migration in cities or in another country contributed to agricultural promotion or development in your country or region? Have new ICT contributed in any way in your contributions or interactions for agricultural development in your country or region of origin, if yes how?

Alternatively, have you decided to return to a rural living to catch new opportunities? Did it work? What challenges do you face?

Migration generates a number of issues or opportunities one may not be aware of: safety and risks, social irregularity, limited human rights, role of the Diaspora for development, specific difficulties of women migrants, a social image of migrants, different relationship with relatives, (un)employment. Also, in the age of ICTs and Social Media, has the migration experience differed?

Does it hit a spot?

You may be an individual who has migrated or who knows a young migrant, or you may be involved with an organization dealing with youth migration; tell us more about your experience!

Send your article (1.5 page) by Tuesday 6th August at 该邮件地址已受到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它需要在浏览器中启用 JavaScript。. You can include a picture or a video, a drawing, a song – anything that fits the theme and your experience. Include a short introduction about you. Don’t forget to register on if not yet done for your article to feature on your YPARD profile’s blog.

Your blog post will be showcased on August 12 on and other partners’ websites, and it will be disseminated through our social media accounts and beyond.

What can you do on International Youth Day?

Celebrate the Day; organize events or activities in your community.  You can let the UN know about your plans: 该邮件地址已受到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它需要在浏览器中启用 JavaScript。. The most creative activities will be featured on the United Nations website.

The UN gives you a list of suggestions on what you can do to celebrate the Day: radio or TV show, meetings, debates, forums, Google+ hangout, concerts, exhibitions, letters to government etc! Learn more about how you can celebrate the International Youth Day 2013 and two key reports that will be launched that day!

Keep us updated on what has happened in your community on International Youth Day (IYD) 2013!

Make sure “Youth in Agriculture” contribute to the celebrations; this is more than ever YOUR Day!

This call is organized by YPARD in partnership with IFAD, ARDYIS from CTA and e-Agriculture.

Picture credit: alegri / ; 4freephotos

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