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Join YPARD’s webinar on strategies to grow your agricultural businesses

When: Saturday August 26th 2017 – at 15:00 Rome time (Use this tool helps you convert “Rome time” to your timezone)

Duration: 90 minutes

Young people around the world have innovative ideas for sustainable agricultural development but often struggle to access resources – lacking collateral, capital and connections.

Our speakers who are currently involved in the Young Africa Works mentoring program ( a product of the 2017 Young Africa Works Summit) will share their experience on:

  • Smart ways of growing your capital
  • Acquiring collateral
  • Connections you need to make to grow your business

We will give ample opportunity for all webinar participants to join into the discussion, either to share their own experiences, hints and tricks, or to ask questions to the speakers, or to the entire group.

Meet the speakers

Annet Mukamurenzi is a MasterCard Foundation Scholar from Rwanda currently in her third year at EARTH University in Costa Rica studying agricultural Sciences and Natural Resource Management. She is the co-founder of WOMEN IN ACTION FOR LIFE (WAL): a project which seeks to mould women into better entrepreneurs and leaders. She is also a co- founder and CEO of a Goat Farm Project - Uganda: a farm with currently a total number of 30 goats. She is also a co-founder and the chairperson of Rwanda Youth Initiative for Agriculture Transformation (RYIAT): a project composed of 13 Rwandans with the aim of promoting sustainable agriculture in Rwanda. Her future interests are: continuation and development of modernized Goat Farm Project in Uganda, expand the Rwanda’s Youth Initiative for Agriculture Transformation (RYIAT) project, implement a modernized poultry farm and green house system for women training.

Peter Bamkole, pioneered the Enterprise Development Centre, (EDC) of the Pan- Atlantic University in Jan 2003, a model which has been replicated in four African countries (Ghana, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda). As the Director of the Centre, he is responsible for the overall program development, capacity building and support services to entrepreneurs. Trained as a Mechanical Engineer in the UK, with an MBA from IESE Business School in Spain, his over 28yrs cognate experience spans both the public and private sectors, including the Oil industry; Water Supply and Education. He currently leads the Goldman Sachs 10,000 women initiative in Nigeria, Diamond Bank’s Building Entrepreneurs Today (BET) and a number of other partnerships in Nigeria, including the Federal Government of Nigeria’s Grooming Entrepreneurs Leaders and National Business Planning competition – YouWin. A certified Business Edge trainer for IFC (the private arm of the World Bank) and UNCTAD ‘expert on entrepreneurship education, Peter consults widely in sub-saharan Africa on entrepreneurship development and practice.

Register now by sending a simple email to michelle.kovacevic[at]

We will send you a confirmation email. In addition, you will get a reminder one day before with the technical details to join the webinar.

Register fast! Our webinars are limited to 100 participants and the available “seats” are often taken in a matter of days. We encourage participants to actively engage in our webinars with feedback, questions, and sharing of their own experiences.

Photo credit: World Bank 


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