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Message for the youths in developing and under-developed countries including Nepal

Young people are the backbone of national economy and are the strengths of tomorrow. Every nation must think about best possible education and, thereby job opportunities to the young people so that they will have appropriate skills when time comes for their contributions to the nation. This is very lacking part in most of the developing and under-developed countries, at least in Nepal.

In other hand, because of the flood of information via sophisticated technologies particularly IT, all the people of this global village are well informed about the situations and fate of the citizens of under-developed countries compared to developed nations. That obviously increased the expectations and ambitions of the people especially young ones. Due to the extreme gap between the expectation and reality, frustration has becomed a plague of young people for those under-developed and developing countries. We have been noticing such scenario in Nepalese youths too. The logical balance between your reality and expectation is very important to create a positive whim for ourselves, for the community, and for the nation as a whole.

We have been striving to make agriculture as a professional business since long time and so far, we don’t have much success to achieve this goal in context of Nepal. This situation is also true for other agriculture-based economy holding developing and under-developed countries. We will not gain intended achievement without the true involvement in agriculture and agriculture business.

We always have to think to begin your agriculture farming/business from small scale, given that you don’t have much monetary support in initial phase. If you are dedicated and want to start a small vegetable farming, it is very important to make a tentative plan for at least five years. That plan includes scope of crops that you want to grow in terms of marketing.

Access of market is the key factor in our country where we don’t have facilities for short and long-term storage. Next step, obtain basic skills of farming by establishing linkage with local and district level agriculture development offices. Again, it is also not easy to get those opportunities since the government and also private service related system is not smooth compared to developed countries. But, you need to struggle with the situations; I am sure, success is inevitable. You can also get some supports in terms of free and subsidized seeds, fertilizer etc. form related organization with proper efforts, linkage and communication. Communication is another important factor for the success.

Start your farming from small scale; try to be a smart grower implementing various but different options. For instance, try to include high value crops, try to produce offseason, take advantage of climatic variability, try to produce organically if possible etc. You need to explore those options by yourself.

Another thing that I want to mention here is, LOVE WHAT YOU WANT TO DO OR WHAT YOU ARE DOING. Don't be discouraged from the negativity/comments from the people around you. You should have strong determination to continue to work. After few years of your continuous hard working, you will begin to earn more than that earned by other young Nepali working in Gulf countries in average.

The main emphasis that I am trying to give here is, it is very important to choose your business and continue to work on that regardless of the difficulties. It is always risky and hard to take decisions that are different than usual. So, take a risk, face the challenge and become a proud grower/entrepreneur. Always be assertive to raise your voice in terms of farming. Try to be a model person rather than exploring the models. You should believe the concept that ‘farming is a prestigious business’. For me, a farming/cultivation/growing crop is the most prestigious and essential business in the world, no human can exist without food, and thereby, without agriculture/farming profession. I would like to express my profound to the farmers of the world who are working tirelessly for others.

“The ultimate goal of farming is not the growing of crops, but the cultivation and perfection of human beings.” ? Masanobu FukuokaThe One-Straw Revolution

Always do your part, use your time and energy to the things that you have and don’t waste your young creative brains in finding the things that you cannot access. EXPLORE YOUR TALENTS and USE IT NOW.

Good Luck!!!

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