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Organic Farming: Successful story of Madan from Nepal

Last week, five days long session on “Asia Pacific Graduates’ Youth Forum on Green Economy, 25-29 September, 2012” were held where 40 participants from 15 countries with diverse background were gathered together in Kathmandu, capital city of Nepal to emerge as leaders in the direction of green economy.

In the third day of session, we got chance to meet with Mr. Madan Rai, 64 years old, in his farm and delivered his speech towards green excursion. I am dirties and fealties man on planet, he started to share his story to us. From the observation of his own self, he started to follow organic farming which is more than ten years old from his practiced, and believes in that earth is moving to sea and sea is moving to earth. He has awarded from many more national and international reorganizations like US, UK, Israel, Switzerland, France, etc. and at earlier period he has worked as advisor in United Nations from Nepal.

Reinventing education that connecting to life and way to reduce the pollution in environment are the key factor that Mr. Rai explored his interest in the field of organic farming. His farm is extended in 50 ha. of land in Lalitpur district of Nepal. Currently more than 100 students from Bachelor and Master Levels are engaged in his farm for research activities in organic farming. Thus it is also functioned as research platform for many students.

He argued that, “there exists of life though the presence of matter in earth, the only process is that neither it can be made nor destroyed, however conversion of one form to another form takes place. For instance if we take rice plant, later it will become rice as source of food to cook. When cooking, it becomes meal and then feces to ash and then finally compost. On later, these composts are taken by plant and cycle will continue. Urine and feces are two important things that continues pathway of organic farming towards green economy.” He has invented “Urine Bucket”, suitable for even in small place and “Eco-san”, application of eco-sanitation for collection of these excretes.

He had established “Subi and Madan Foundation” from his farm activities and in future, he has planned to open two schools that can teach life connection and another planned with tourism college, since he felt that lack of agro-eco-centric tourism in Nepal. Nations should practice life oriented education to their children and youth, he added.

He led message to us that don’t be an educated ignorant, try to love the nature and yourself. Through continuous lecture session of conference where we were acquainted in lots of understandings about the subject matter but from this field visit, it enabled us to develop knowledge on green economy, environmental governance and climate change adaptation from grass root level.

Welcoming YPARD Switzerland representative!
Food security for all

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