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Plant-for-the-Planet calls for the G7 Heads of Government to support its greatest afforestation project in the history of humankind

Plant a treeOn 26th May 2015 in Tutzing, Germany, the YPARD Rwanda member and partner Mr Etienne Niyigaba joined 87 participants from 23 countries and youth initiative Plant-for-the-Planet to call upon the G7 Heads of Government to support the greatest afforestation project in the history of humankind. This initiative will plant 1,000 billion trees by 2020.

As a Rwanda program coordinator for Plant-for –the-Planet, Member of YPARD Rwanda and Founder of Youth Engagement in Agriculture Network- Rwanda (YEAN-Rwanda); Etienne expects this ambitious afforestation project to happen by creating local partnership with private sector and public development partners, as well as creating synergies between Youth, Development, agriculture and forestry. He also envisions to increase membership and awareness of Plant for the Planet, YPARD, and YEAN  among current youth or future Climate Smart Agripreneurs.  

This afforestation project falls under Rwanda Government vision to cover 30% of the land with forests by 2020 and it will be achieved by planting trees on 8,150 hectares every year.

During the Summit, participants elaborated a Youth Manifesto and a letter to the Heads of the Governments to endorse the World’s Youth and drive the greatest afforestation project in the history of humankind.

The forthcoming  XIV World Forestry Congress should be a right moment for African youth and other delegates to set the ground for this project  that will sequester a quarter of human-made CO2.

Both documents and a press release can be found on the following links:

About Plant-for-the-Planet

Plant-for-the-Planet is a children and youth initiative that aims to raise awareness amongst children and adults about the issues of global warming and global justice. The Initiative also works to plant trees, and considers this to be both a practical and symbolic action in efforts to reduce the effect of climate change. Until 2015, 14 billion trees have been planted.


YPARD is a movement by youth for youth for Agricultural Development. YPARD is an international movement by Young Professionals for Young Professionals for Agricultural Development. YPARD operates as a network; it is not a formalized institution.

This global on-line and off-line communication and discussion platform is meant to enable YPs all over the world to realize their full potential and contribute towards innovative agricultural development.

About YEAN

YEAN is a Virtual Network of Young People engaged in Agriculture in Rwanda with a mission to help young people to be leaders of change in Agriculture sector through direct and indirect engagement in agriculture Research and Development Activities. With currently 1500 active members online, YEAN partner with YPARD Rwanda to transition its members to YPARD Global opportunities. 

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