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Promotion of Agro-tourism and Agribusiness to young people

YPARD Albania in cooperation with the Agricultural University of Tirana and with the support of the National Resource Center for Civil Society in Albania, and Partners Albania for Change and Development organized a study visit with a group of students at the agro-tourism farm (Uka Farm) in Laknas, Tirana in 11 of May 2022. This activity took place in the framework of the "Civil Society Week 2022 and Youth in Action" youth activism, volunteerism, and engagement in civil society organizations.

Image courtesy of YPARD Albania

The purpose of this activity was to motivate young people to involve in these sectors with high development potential, and numerous opportunities to engage as many young people as possible in terms of self-employment and their employment in these sectors. Also, to foster them being more active and participate in the agricultural development sector and related fields.

The students looked closely at an agro-tourism business and were introduced to the good practices that this business applies in the development of organic farming on this farm.

The owner of this agro-tourism Flori Uka, a well-educated young man and passionate about his work held an open discussion with the students, telling them about the history and the challenges he had gone through to build and develop this agro-tourism. But he also told the students about the many benefits he has received during his work so far and motivated them to become part of this sector with high development potential and the many opportunities that this sector offers to young people.

Image courtesy of YPARD Albania

This study visit was also attended by two young entrepreneurs (Migena and Ervis) who for two years have established a start-up business in the field of Agribusiness, where they cultivate and process aromatic and medicinal plants by producing essential oils and perfumes without alcohol which they sell in the local market. Both of these young entrepreneurs shared their experiences, and then discussed with the students about the many opportunities that agriculture, agribusiness, agro-tourism, and related fields offer to young people.

At the end of the discussion, the professor of food technology at the Agricultural University of Tirana, Mr. Fatjon Hoxha, who was also present at this event, held an information session and discussed with students about local products, their craft processing, and the importance of these products in the development of agro-tourism. 

Image courtesy of YPARD Albania

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