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Roots, Tubers and Bananas (RTB) Phase II Proposal Consultation

The CGIAR Research Programs, including Roots, Tubers and Bananas (RTB), were established in 2012 and are currently undergoing a shift to a second phase of Agri-Food System research programs from 2017 – 2022.

RTB partners are collaborating to produce a proposal for the next phase of the research program, which will be submitted to the CGIAR Consortium on March 31. They would like to seek your feedback on key elements from the draft proposal which you can find on the pages of this consultation website.Please leave your feedback as a comment on the relevant webpage and respond to the guiding questions provided.

Your feedback will help us to strengthen our proposal for RTB, and will be synthesized and shared with the proposal writing team. A summary of the feedback will also be made available and posted here on this website.

How to provide feedback:

  1. Visit the consultation website:
  2. Here you will find summaries of the program narrative, gender strategy and each of our Flagship Projects.
  3. Please respond to the guiding questions on each page and leave your feedback as a comment, specifying the particular question.
  4. Your feedback will be synthesized and shared with the proposalwriting team. A summary of the feedback will also be shared back with this group.

Photo Credit:  Roots, Tubers and Bananas

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