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Why It Is Up To The Millennials To Save The Earth

Climate change is one of the greatest challenges currently facing humanity; it has aggravated water crises, drought, frequent wildfires, food shortages, weaker societal unity, hindered economic growth and increased security risks, inequality and poverty. But, ultimately, this is the issue of the Millennial Generation and how we deal with it now defines what will we be dealing with in the future.... Continue reading
  754 Hits
754 Hits

Go-Organic: Youth nurturing tomorrow’s Agriculture

Go-Organic is a team of young professionals networking for organic in East Africa. It seeks to engage youth in strategic thinking and increase their participation in the organic agricultural sector for sustainable development. The Go-Organic initiative was started by alumni of the International Training Course on Organic Agriculture - ITCOA implemented from 2005 to date in a partnership between BOKU University of Natural Resources... Continue reading
  1513 Hits
1513 Hits

YPARD made its voice heard in GCHERA 2014

YPARD China Deputy Representative, Jiaqi Huang went to the Nanjing Agricultural University to attend and give a speech at the Global Confederation of Higher Education Association (GCHERA) World Dialogue: Fostering Agriculture Innovation Systems Network through the Linkage of University, Industry, and Government on September the 20th, 2014. The aim of this event was to provide a forum for universities and other stakeholders to... Continue reading
  720 Hits
720 Hits