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Agricultural mentoring program in the SEMA project

Dear YPARD fellows, Today I would like to draw your attention to SEMA-project in which among others The Institute for Rural Development Research (IfLS) in Frankfurt together with my company - Hof und Leben in Germany - are involved. The SEMA project focuses on fostering Sustainable Entrepreneurship in Multifunctional Agriculture. The main aim of the SEMA project is to provide training and capacity building opportunities according... Continue reading
  873 Hits
873 Hits

YPARD Kosovo: career and employment in the agriculture sector - the way to move forward

On March 28, 2017 YPARD Kosovo in partnership with Career Development Centre of Prishtina University organized the event ‘Career and employment in agriculture sector’ to discuss the existing strategies for preparing students for employment in the agricultural sector in Kosovo. The main purpose of the discussion was to help students develop their career plan, information exchange and networking between professional agronomists... Continue reading
  1003 Hits
1003 Hits