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Public Sector: The right working environment for Young Agriculturists?

The Nepal Agriculture Research Council (NARC), the apex body of agricultural research in Nepal, posted a job announcement some weeks ago in which it offered 72 scientist positions (S1) -only for those who have a Master-. However, hardly two third of the vacancies were filled. According to the latest Economic Survey of Nepal (2013/14), the total number of students enrolled in... Continue reading
  931 Hits
931 Hits

The 7th UNEP TUNZA SEAYEN Meeting: Prioritizing agriculture and forestry

The UNEP TUNZA SEAYEN meeting is an annual prominent gathering organized by Southeast Asia countries in which young leaders and sophisticated environmentalists are encouraged to discuss environmental problems. The 7th meeting was held in Singapore on the 30th of May, 2014 and was organised by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), TUNZA –which means “to treat with care or affection” in... Continue reading
  9221 Hits
9221 Hits

Think Global, Act Local: Social Media Training for Web Interns in China

A social media training delivered by Codrin Paveliuc-Olariu, YPARD Steering Committee chair, was held for YPARD web interns on June 16th in Beijing, China. Labeling himself as a “social media nerd”, Codrin shared with YPARD staff as well as with different young professionals not only his “art of live blogging” but also his ideas on using social networks in order to... Continue reading
  22405 Hits
22405 Hits

Why many youngsters are not into agriculture in Nepal?

Once I was with my friends and we met another group of acquaintances. During the conversation, we were asked what we were pursuing as undergraduate studies. One of them said that he was enrolled as a Mechanical Engineer in U.S.A., another answered by saying that he is a BBA student in U.S.A. too. I remember that the third one commented that... Continue reading
  1087 Hits
1087 Hits