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AGRA: A new musical

Have you seen or heard of a musical production that advocated for the promotion of agriculture to young people? On March 14th and 15th, 2017, AGRA: A New Musical took place with that advocacy behind it!  With two shows per day – one in the afternoon and another in the evening. AGRA had an original script in Filipino with 15 original... Continue reading
  2158 Hits
2158 Hits

Regional symposium to scale up nutrition integration in agricultural extension

In 2016, I got to know about the Integrating Gender and Nutrition in Agriculture Extension (INGENAES) through the workshop: Organizational Capacity Building Training for INGEAES partner NGOs which was held on 18th-21st July 2016 at the Shangri-la Hotel, Kathmandu, Nepal. Attending this event opened YPARD Nepal’s door to support its initiative for developing a strong network among the NGOs working in... Continue reading
  1064 Hits
1064 Hits