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My Experience at the All Farmers’ Association of Nigeria (AFAN) Ondo State Chapter Meeting

On the 15th of May 2012, I and a friend decided to see and observe the activities of the All Farmers’ Association of Nigeria (AFAN) Ondo State Chapter. We went out of keen interest to associate with other farmers and see how the association can come up to sensitize the youth more about agriculture. Maybe before I share what I experienced,... Continue reading
  1258 Hits
1258 Hits

Welcoming YPARD Europe coordinator!

YPARD welcomes Martina Graf as the YPARD Europe coordinator for the recently established YPARD Europe Chapter. Martina will lead the development of the European network, creating a working group with the young professionals who have demonstrated their interest in working to shape the YPARD plan of action for Europe.  Martina is based in Switzerland, holds a Bachelor of Science in International... Continue reading
  787 Hits
787 Hits