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What do you eat when you cook beef in Belgium?

Behold the impressive muscles of the blue cattle. The chances that you get a blue cattle bull when you order or buy beef in Belgium is extremely high. Bulls - yes, they use bulls and not very often cows - are double muscled: due to a missing gene that normally blocks muscle growth. It's a natural mutation and there has been... Continue reading
  2558 Hits
2558 Hits

IAAS - Spreading Youth's Passion for Agriculture!

"The Universe always conspires to help the dreamer", Paulo Coelho.  We all have something we like, hate or love, simply because we all have the potential to feel passionate about something.  Passion is the energy that keeps us going and filled with meaning, happiness and excitement. It's the driving force that makes us feel unique and what pushes us to keep... Continue reading
  1078 Hits
1078 Hits