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Biomass energy influence environmental footprint

When Mr. Fusion made its appearance on the back of Doc Brown’s DeLorean in 1989, it foreshadowed a U.S future where trash was fuel. Adapting to renewable energy sources and utilizing waste is usually a component of America’s utopian future and since Mr. Fusion there have been great strides toward that end. Having said that, the transition is an arduous process... Continue reading
  827 Hits
827 Hits

Discovering the latest version of me through mentorship

On February 2017, forty seven African youth attended the MasterCard Foundation’s Young Africa Works Summit (YAW2017) in Kigali, Rwanda. Fourteen of those youth delegates were selected to receive 12 months of mentoring from senior delegates attending the Summit. Over the last months, these youth mentees have started forming relationships with their mentors who will support and challenge them during this year to take... Continue reading
  837 Hits
837 Hits