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YPARD Serbia- Becoming a source of information for young Serbian farmers!

At the beginning of March 2019, YPARD Serbia with the support from YPARD Europe has launched a new web site “Mladi u agraru/Youth in agriculture” with the aim of providing information on young farmers in Serbia, challenges they face, news about young farmers in the country, subsidies, stories about their production, how they face climate change, growing organic food, ecology. This... Continue reading
  1065 Hits
1065 Hits

Rapid urbanization and food security in Egypt

Urbanization together with associated demographic and environmental changes are posing unprecedented challenges related to hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition in developing countries. Due to factors such as rural-urban migration, climate change, natural resource scarcity and livelihood insecurities, the urban population worldwide continues to increase rapidly. Global projections reveal that the pace of urbanization will further accelerate in the coming decades and... Continue reading
  1329 Hits
1329 Hits