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YPARD Serbia - Creating market space for young farmers through partnership

YPARD Serbia has extended its list of partnerships by creating collaboration with the association “Probaj doma?e” (Try homemade products) which promotes agricultural and traditional products and homemade drinks and food. They also give support to small scale producers, helping to make and easier way into the market by representing their products in all sorts of fairs and manifestations. Recognizing that we... Continue reading
  888 Hits
888 Hits

Shifting from subsistence to commercial farming require credit facilities in developing countries including Uganda

Today commercial farming is gradually picking up in most developing countries. Unlike subsistence farming, the expectations to generate enough income and revenue from farm sales is high in commercial farming. However, this comes at the expense of high investments in the farming business. In farming as a business, there is need for a capital, both starting and working capital. This is... Continue reading
  1160 Hits
1160 Hits