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#ICT4AG Handprint Challenge

Participate, Learn and Continuate Date: 5-7 November 2014 Time: 8 am to 5 pm Venue: Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science, Paklihawa Campus, Nepal Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) have become a crucial need at the present time in each and every sector including agriculture where its usefulness is immense. ICT can empower learners, promote change and foster the development of... Continue reading
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Food Shortage in Senegal - How can the Government deal with it?

In September 2014, the Senegalese Ministry of Interior announced that 600,000 Senegalese living in the country’s rural areas would need assistance after a shortage of rain this past summer. The month of May is a crucial time for sowing crops because the earnings from the harvest assist farmers in paying the education for their children, amongst other things. However, inadequate rainfalls... Continue reading
  1056 Hits
1056 Hits