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Climate change, the dying world

Climate change is a reality that is happening now, and that we can see its impact across the world. Climate change is a very hot and trendy topic in the world now, but most people don’t even know the causes and effects on the environment. What do you think about when you hear climate change? Did anyone ever wonder why there... Continue reading
  1648 Hits
1648 Hits

Harnessing opportunities in crop value chains for increased productivity

It was on a sunny Saturday on 2nd November 2019 when a group of 30 young agribusiness actors and farmers gathered under the auspices of Young Professionals for Agricultural Development (YPARD) Nigeria in Ibadan to host a café themed “Agricultural Crop Value Chain: The role of the Entrepreneur”. The YPARD café provided a platform for members of the YPARD network to... Continue reading
  1115 Hits
1115 Hits