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Reflecting on the Prospect of Biogas Plant in Nepal

Shaky fossil fuel price have at times posed threat to the core of every country’s economy. The recent nosedive of the oil price, for instance, has left the oil-based nations grappling with the fear of irrecoverable economic damage. While affluent overseas have been scrambling to offset the vicissitudes produced largely by the wobbly oil prices through the development of more sustainable... Continue reading
  798 Hits
798 Hits

A Tribute to Women Farmers

There is no tool for development more effective than the Empowerment of Women… 8th March, is an International Women’s Day. In this ‘Women’s Day’, women are recognized for their countless efforts and contribution for the development of the whole world economy and the society. Considering the involvement of women to every aspect of life, this day we will recognize the incredible... Continue reading
  1601 Hits
1601 Hits