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Isn't a time for “using of swimming glasses" in research

Dr. Botir Dosov 42-year-old scientist, father of 6-year-old Ali Dosov, who is not a scientist One can find dozens and hundreds responses on what is the science and what is the role of science in our life. Just google it. Therefore, it is obvious that we can't imagine our life without science. Society tremendously invests in research to make life better. ... Continue reading
  816 Hits
816 Hits

International Women's Day 2015 – Empowering Young Women in Agricultural Development!

All around the world, International Women's Day represents an opportunity to celebrate the achievements of women while calling for greater equality. According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), approximately 70% of all farmers in the developing world are women. If access to new technology, training and resources is made available to these farmers, yields could increase by 20... Continue reading
  3737 Hits
3737 Hits