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Know all the Highlights about the #TalkSoil Tweet Chat

In the lead up to the International Year of Soils 2015, Shamba Shape Up and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) organized on Monday 13th April, 2015 a one-hour Tweet Chat to discuss about the problems facing farmers with soil.  The discussion involved a wealth of young Kenyan farmers seeking advice for their soil related issues ranging from protecting their... Continue reading
  851 Hits
851 Hits

Talent Development in Agriculture: A call to action

Rationale Agriculture plays a significant role in achieving global food and nutrition security, increasing economic growth, and attaining environmental sustainability. Representing close to 40% of the global workforce, agriculture is the world’s largest provider of jobs, employing over 1.3 billion people. The emerging global trends such as globalisation, increasing population, climate change and environmental impacts, technology advancement, new institutional arrangements, and... Continue reading
  897 Hits
897 Hits