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GFAR: Farmers’ Group Approach Boosts up Small Scale Farming

Agriculture is the main source of food, income, and employment for the majority of people in Nepal. But one big hurdle for most farmers is financing. Loans tend to be too expensive for smallholder farmers. They often involve a lengthy application process, and farmers can rarely meet the rigid collateral requirements—rural land is neither recognized nor accepted as collateral by many banks. Without... Continue reading
  925 Hits
925 Hits

Women: Key to agricultural development in Nepal

Agriculture is key to Nepalese economy by determining economic growth and employment for most of the rural people and it is said as the foundation of the development of the country. However, no extra developmental activities have been done by the concerned agencies in this sector except few investment on irrigation and agricultural development projects. Agricultural production in Nepal is highly... Continue reading
  869 Hits
869 Hits