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Welcoming YPARD Kosovo representative: Hana Voca

We are delighted to welcome our very first YPARD Country representative for Kosovo: Hana Voca. Hana has a degree in Horticulture from the Ege University, Turkey. After finishing her studies, Hana went to Italy to carry out a master program on organic agriculture at the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari. Her bachelor graduation thesis was titled “Contemporary Forms of Slavery in... Continue reading
  1078 Hits
1078 Hits

Pakistani Scientists urge to draw up a roadmap to tackle climate change

An international seminar titled “Global changes and Pakistan perspective” with the theme “Climate, water and agriculture nexus: a futuristic approach to fight hunger” was arranged by the University of Agriculture of Faisalabad (UAF)’s Agro Climatology Laboratory on Tuesday 16th of September.  The Punjab Education and Law Minister, Rana Sanaullah said that the country was passing through difficult times as the floods had played... Continue reading
  760 Hits
760 Hits

Welcoming YPARD new Web4knowledge intern: Gwladys Mabah

YPARD is delighted to welcome Gwladys Mabah as YPARD new Web4Knowledge intern. Gwladys will be working some 15 hours a week remotely from Cameroon, on posting information on YPARD website and disseminating it through YPARD different social media channels -on Facebook page and group, LinkedIn page and group, Twitter, Google+ and Pinterest-. Gwladys is a PhD student in Economics at the... Continue reading
  949 Hits
949 Hits