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Xylella: a little killer for a giant tree

Hundreds of thousands of olive trees have been destroyed within the past years in the South of Italy by the bacterium Xylella fastidiosa. It is impossible to know the exact number of infected trees but there are over 40.000 hectares affected by the disease. Spread towards the north of the country will be inevitable if decisive measures are not taken. This... Continue reading
  823 Hits
823 Hits

Young, stylish and addicted to growing herbs

“I am young, why should I do farming the way old farmers do”, says Mr Dharmendra Sahay from Rampur district of Uttar Pradesh, India. Looking at the robust crops of Asparagas racemosus and Anacyclus pyrethrum , he was excited about the bumper harvest this year. Like many others, he too encountered many problems and met failures initially while growing these delicate crops. But in the... Continue reading
  729 Hits
729 Hits