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Lessons learned from webinar on publishing scientific articles

In a developing country like Nepal, students or early careers carry out different research activities but face numerous rejections and difficulties in publishing the journals. Due to lack of proper understanding of elements of standard articles, review process and ethics; most of their research is left unpublished. By chance, if published, it will not get a good readership and chances for replication... Continue reading
  1749 Hits
1749 Hits

Youth as viable pillars of agribusiness growth in Nigeria

YPARD Nigeria hosted the Global Café across Nigeria in different locations in December of 2020. The South West episode held in Ibadan, Oyo State on the 19th of December 2020 in the University of Ibadan-Nigeria. The YPARD Café event which was themed Youth engagement in Agribusiness: Post-COVID-19 brought together 26 young professionals and agribusiness enthusiasts and was well attended with COVID-19... Continue reading
  1116 Hits
1116 Hits