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Knowledge Exchange Systems to Promote Youth in Landscape Approaches

Family farmers are intrinsically linked to their communities and landscapes, transmitting knowledge, skills, practices and technologies from generation to generation. Yet at the same time, the ever-encroaching crush of urbanization and ever-increasing disparity between dwindling income and soaring expenses play a major part in the rural landscapes that are fading at an alarming rate. The global trend of a small family... Continue reading
  767 Hits
767 Hits

Forum for the Future Shows Organizations that Sustainability Is a Great Investment

According to a recent report by Forum for the Future, a sustainability advisory nonprofit based in the U.K., “doing the right thing for our food system” by investing in good nutrition can reap significant financial rewards; however, stagnation can be incredibly costly. Their report, Nutrition: An Emerging Threat or an Opportunity? analyzed the financial risks of food manufacturers who make products that are high in fat,... Continue reading
  740 Hits
740 Hits