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Launching the School Vegetable Garden project in Cameroon

Thanks to a partnership with YPARD Cameroon in March 2015, the Cameroon Association of Active Youths (CAMAAY) has been able to extend their activities to include the following five primary schools in their School Vegetable Garden project:  G.S.Chomba, G.S Nsongwa, G.S Station, P.S. Mendankwe, and P.S Rennaissance Below Foncha. This initiative consists of working one day per week in each school... Continue reading
  919 Hits
919 Hits

An Open Letter from the YPARD SC Chair, Nidhi Nagabhatla: We are growing and we are known!

Dear YPARdians, Greeting from your Chair. I want to begin with a word of thanks to all you champions who have relentlessly worked hard to make YPARD - who we are today- ‘a giant and the only international network of young professionals in agricultural development’. On the top of that ‘We are growing and we are known!’ What makes me say... Continue reading
  838 Hits
838 Hits