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Working with young farmers to avoid the urban drift

I was raised in a dairy farm on the rural outskirts in the Tailevu North Province, Fiji Island. After primary education I moved to Suva the City to further my studies and I have been residing in the City for over 20 years. I have worked in the armed forces, join the business executive’s career but deep inside I had a... Continue reading
  1032 Hits
1032 Hits

Small-scale farmers to improve the ability to adapt to the market

Nepal has three typical terrain (mountains, hills and plains), carried out on a variety of terrain agriculture differently. Livestock farming is generally dominated in the mountains, hills region's agriculture places horticulture based, and plains are mainly planted cereal crops. Nepal has a rich agricultural biodiversity, many crops to adapt to strong growth in a variety of Climatic Zones, has great potential... Continue reading
  792 Hits
792 Hits

Youth, Unions and Kansas Farmers...

Interview with Nick Levendofsky, National Farmers Union and Kansas Farmer Union USABy Ivana Radic Nick Levendovsky (28) from Kansas, representing the National Farmers Union (link) and the Kansas Farmers union at the 26th International leadership workshop for rural youth, in Herrsching, Germany is telling about agriculture reality in his country and his own role in the Farmers union. YPARD: What is... Continue reading
  1223 Hits
1223 Hits