By Marina on 2016年7月25日, 星期一
Category: Blog Post

The Best of YPARD's 10 year anniversary! (part 1)

As YPARD - the international network of young professionals for agricultural development - hits 10 years of achievements in 2016, YPARD members (commonly called “YPARDians”) have been celebrating their community through a series of YPARD online and onsite events, all over the world. More than ever, YPARD reaffirms itself as a network and “a family” of young people dedicated to take action and enhance their active participation for agricultural development – together with their supporters.  

We have collated the Very Best of the #YPARD10years celebrations so far, hoping it will inspire you to take part in the year-long festivities. Join us, and let’s project ourselves forward: let’s define together what we want next, for YPARD.

The infographic

Check the key milestones of YPARD Community since its beginning, through this infographic.

The video

You can also grasp YPARD’s progress in enhancing youth participation in agriculture through this animation video: 

Read more about YPARD’s video and its infographic here: Empowering Youth in Agriculture: 10 years in review

The Ambassadors

How did you gain from being a YPARD member? How did it help you professionally, and beyond? What are your aspirations for YPARD and the youth in agriculture in general for the years to come? Share your story through a 1min video or learn about how YPARD can benefit you!

Four active YPARD members shared their testimonial through a short video – meet: Keron Bascombe, from Trinidad and Tobago, Dax Olfindo, from the Philippines, Enricka Julien, from Trinidad and Tobago and Marc Ghislain Bappa from Cameroon.

It could be you! Be a YPARD10years ambassador; send us your video and feature on our website and social media channels! More information on how to prepare and send your video testimonial, here.

The cakes

Join the festivities; be a master cake baker for the occasion and share your delights with your friends and colleagues! It doesn’t have to be a fancy cake, as long as it has the secret ingredient: Love! (wink!) Let people around you know about (y)our community and make sure they join us! More information on how to prepare and send your own YPARD 10 year cake, here.

Featuring #YPARD10years cakes from Uganda/Spain, South Africa, Nepal, Rwanda, USA/Colmbia, Iran, India, Philippines…

See more pictures of YPARD10years cakes, all around the world on YPARD’s flick album: YPARD10years anniversary.

The art pieces and on-the ground activities

YPARD members have unleashed their own creativity to celebrate YPARD and what it represents for them. They organized face-to-face get together where they shared their experiences, aspirations and they defined concrete plans to boost YPARD’s activities on a country level.

Check the first videos, pictures and activities of the year and the monthly roundups of the #YPARD10Years Celebrations for MarchAprilMay and June. Featuring #YPARD10years artworks from Pakistan, Nepal, USA, South Africa, Pakistan, Nepal, Rwanda, USA, Iran, Peru, India, Philippines…

The Song

When two YPARD Friends decide to compose a #YPARD10years celebration song the South African way, here is the result: YPARD 10year celebrations' song. (Warning; addiction guaranteed!)

The 2016 Celebratory Blog Series

The Series of YPARD10years testimonials feature a monthly blog contribution from partners, supporters, members, representatives and other special guests. They talk about YPARD, what it has done for them and they reflect on where they want it to go. Read:

Your piece of the cake!

YPARD members are the "raison d'être" and the pillar of YPARD's activities. Celebrate YOUR community! Be our Master Cake Baker or YPARD Ambassador. Take part in the "Bake a Cake" campaign, send your message video or unleash your own creativity and find new fresh ideas to celebrate YPARD YOUR way! Be you a not-yet-active-follower of YPARD or a dedicated member since several years, the simple fact that you are currently reading this shows that this message is for YOU, yes YOU! If you have any doubt, please write to us at info[@]

A thank you note

We wouldn’t have done it without our strong supporters: senior professionals, organizations and other youth-led networks, who believe in the need of getting young people on board TODAY and who have been walking the talk with YPARD. A big thank you!

Stay in touch at and we are looking forward to feature you on "The Best of YPARD's 10 year anniversary! (part 2)".

Top picture credit: Kiara Worth/IISD

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