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The Big Facts that we care about

Big Facts- CCAFS, CGIARBig Facts, CCAFS-led website on facts and figures about climate change, agriculture and food security

CCAFS, the CGIAR funded Research Programme on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security, has recently relaunched the Big Facts website, a great source of information on the societal challenges that we face today for everyone, from researchers and policy makers to young professionals just getting started in the agricultural sector. It provides up-to-date information in a very appealing form through its 100+ info graphics on different aspects of the CCAFS activity: from food security to climate change adaptation and policy and finance.

When I first heard of the Big Facts, it was in 2012 after its initial launch. Then, the initiative provided information on just a few key aspects, but it was also a huge library of sources that anyone could access. For me it represented the go-to website where I could find references of food security linked processes.

This much needed project could possibly offer young professionals easy-to-digest information in a format that they know and consider easy to use. The info graphics are great, allowing access to basic facts that are then supported by additional sources of information or briefs available on the CCAFS website.

I especially like the Java based world map that gives regional information on all sections present on the website.

What I don`t like and that could be easily fixed is that the fact sheets for each section include acronyms and/or abbreviations that might not be known by everyone. Although the website is meant as a source of information for everyone, the fact sheets do not take this into account, and rather address only  the research and policy making communities.

Overall, the Big Facts 2014 can be seen by all as a virtual library of climate change related information that gives us the chance to be better educated on what our greatest challenges are and thus offers an opportunity to be involved in responding to the challenges.

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