By Yana Perevoshchikova on 2017年9月01日, 星期五
Category: Blog Post

The flight to the light

YES! – I was selected to the YES lab (Youth Encounter on Sustainability) and YPARD is partly supporting my trip. I believe the name of the lab wasn’t made by chance and I am inspired by the event.

YES is a two-weeks intensive lab, which takes place from 27th August till 8th of September in San Jose and Talamanca, Costa Rica. It has been operating since the year 2000 in different parts of the world with the goal to bring together a diverse group of motivated future leaders (university graduates and Ph.D. students) for learning, discussing and debating urgent questions of a sustainable future for mankind, in a global and regional perspective.

Myclimate, an international Non-Profit Foundation in Switzerland, organizes a lab in Costa Rica for youth agents of sustainable change. It is hosted by LEAD University and is supported by many partners-organizations, like Avina Foundation, the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP), and ACTIS (Activating Talent in Sustainability), a spin-off organization of ETH Zurich.

What is it?

I am really excited by the fantastic chance that I was given and I would like to make the best of it.

While crossing the ocean, I am looking forward to meeting all participants and to know more about environmental challenges faced in different countries and to discuss the solutions.

What do I have today? 18-hours long day

What will I have tomorrow? An amazing journey towards unknown.

“Better to see something once than to hear about it a thousand times

Picture credit: Iana Perevoshchikova

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