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Online game changer course in sustainability

“I will breathe no matter what; the question is whether the human will breathe or not. I leave this decision up to you” – the message to Humanity from Mother Earth, commonly known as COVID-19. Thus, what will be our choice? That was one of the questions we discussed during our small group meetings as part of the “Game Changer Course”... Continue reading

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  • United States of America
  1168 Hits
1168 Hits

A chocolate life – YES lab journey and memories

While having a cup of hot chocolate, I close my eyes and fall into memories. I remembered my trip to a chocolate production farm – Como llegar, in Talamanca Region, Costa Rica during YES lab (here, here and here you can find previous blogs on this topic) in 2017. We went there to see an indigenous tribe Bribri (just few people... Continue reading

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  • Russian Federation
  • Promote agriculture among young people
  922 Hits
922 Hits

The story behind happy bananas

It’s quite a task/responsibility to write a story about this producer, as it’s a story about business lead by values and not by the profits, it’s the story about a person, who had the courage to leave his developed and organized country, crossed the ocean to deliver a bit of value to the world. Volker Ribniger bought land and started his... Continue reading

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  • Russian Federation
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  1237 Hits
1237 Hits

Unknown continent – one should never cease to explore

On a cold winter evening in order to bring some sun into my heart, I covered myself with a warm plaid and started looking at the photos from my trip to Costa Rica that I made in September this year with YES programme (see the description in my first blog on this topic here) Looking at the pictures I asked myself,... Continue reading

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  • Russian Federation
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  857 Hits
857 Hits

The flight to the light

YES! – I was selected to the YES lab (Youth Encounter on Sustainability) and YPARD is partly supporting my trip. I believe the name of the lab wasn’t made by chance and I am inspired by the event. YES is a two-weeks intensive lab, which takes place from 27th August till 8th of September in San Jose and Talamanca, Costa Rica. It... Continue reading

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  • Russian Federation
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  1033 Hits
1033 Hits

Be active – build your future!

Everything started through a regular e-mail, which sent to my YPARD Russia group, where I’ve asked the participants whether they have some ideas or wishes to perform some actions together. I got a reply from Katy Bessonova (Project manager at SIANI and YPARD Russia group member) who introduced me to the world of SIANI – Swedish International Agricultural Network Initiative. After... Continue reading

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  • Russian Federation
  • Promote agriculture among young people
  789 Hits
789 Hits

Going organic in Russia - the case for better marketing

Being both an environmentalist and an agronomist, I have always been fascinated by organic agriculture. Although the organic market in Russia is in its early stages, Russia seems to be an attractive location for the development of organic agriculture, since agriculture is not as intensive as it is in the rest of Europe. Moreover, there is a lot of fallow and... Continue reading

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  • Russian Federation
  816 Hits
816 Hits

Russian youth getting a voice online on "Voice of Youth" - ?????? «????? ????????» : ???????????!!!

Blog post in russian langage version below. The Online portal “Voice of youth” combines the best social and business development projects of the territories of Russia. Here universities and youth associations exchange ideas and developments, connected with professional development, healthy lifestyle, patriotism (love of the country) and the continuity of generations. The portal is a central information space of youth media... Continue reading

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  • Russian Federation
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  827 Hits
827 Hits

YPARD presentation in Russia, Saint-Petersburg

Presentation of YPARD in Saint-Petersburg The YPARD presentation took place at the last day of September 2013. For Russia it’s a new movement and, as all other new European ideas, it came to the city of Peter the Fist. The presentation took place at Saint-Petersburg State Agrarian University at 17 o’clock. Curious and open-minded students and scientists came to listen to... Continue reading

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  • Russian Federation
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  889 Hits
889 Hits