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Online game changer course in sustainability

“I will breathe no matter what; the question is whether the human will breathe or not. I leave this decision up to you” – the message to Humanity from Mother Earth, commonly known as COVID-19. Thus, what will be our choice? That was one of the questions we discussed during our small group meetings as part of the “Game Changer Course”... Continue reading
  1168 Hits
1168 Hits

Welcoming the new YPARD Steering Committee Chair: Marina Cherbonnier

We are delighted to announce Marina Cherbonnier as the newly elected YPARD Steering Committee Chair.  Marina is an international network and community engagement specialist with extended experience in agricultural-related development. You can learn more about her on this introduction blog post published when she joined the Steering Committee last January.  When asked about her vision as a steering committee chair and... Continue reading
  1255 Hits
1255 Hits