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Sustainable Fisheries for Enhanced Water Resources in Armenia (SFEWRA) project

The Ararat valley, Armenia’s biggest agricultural center and breadbasket is currently facing the serious issue of salinization of arable lands. Extensive use of artesian water for fisheries in Ararat valley have caused a high level of salinization of lands. Currently, 25% of land in Armenia is under the threat of desertification. Armenia, a country known for its high-quality groundwater resources, has... Continue reading
  835 Hits
835 Hits

Unknown continent – one should never cease to explore

On a cold winter evening in order to bring some sun into my heart, I covered myself with a warm plaid and started looking at the photos from my trip to Costa Rica that I made in September this year with YES programme (see the description in my first blog on this topic here) Looking at the pictures I asked myself,... Continue reading
  858 Hits
858 Hits