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The Armenian case against deforestation

Being a YPARD Armenia member, I had a chance to represent my country at the Youth Uniting to Halt Deforestation workshop and conference organized by joint efforts of the International Forestry Student Association (IFSA), the Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) and the Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF) at FAO headquarters in Rome from February 19th to 22nd, 2018.  Now I am ready... Continue reading

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  • Armenia
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  819 Hits
819 Hits

Sustainable Fisheries for Enhanced Water Resources in Armenia (SFEWRA) project

The Ararat valley, Armenia’s biggest agricultural center and breadbasket is currently facing the serious issue of salinization of arable lands. Extensive use of artesian water for fisheries in Ararat valley have caused a high level of salinization of lands. Currently, 25% of land in Armenia is under the threat of desertification. Armenia, a country known for its high-quality groundwater resources, has... Continue reading

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  • Armenia
  835 Hits
835 Hits

Agripreneurs creating tomorrow: Promising project for Armenian youth

It was just last year when YPARD Armenia team organized a meeting with juniors from Agribusiness Teaching Center (ATC) to present YPARD and the opportunities that it offers.  As it was expected fruitful discussion with students followed the presentation. Students ''tortured'' YPARDians with questions concerning agricultural research funding opportunities, agribusiness start-up processes and grant proposal writing techniques.  This very productive discussion... Continue reading

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  • Armenia
  • Promote agriculture among young people
  1055 Hits
1055 Hits