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The future of agriculture and your future as a professional in agriculture

The Coronavirus pandemic may have turned most of us into Netflix-guzzling vampires due to unending lockdowns and masks, but there is no doubt it also brought us something we all needed…a break. For me, the COVID-19 lockdowns and remote schooling slowed everything down. It was a relief I never thought possible, and for the first time in two and a half... Continue reading
  1297 Hits
1297 Hits

From nowhere to now here; YPARD made a way

Determining when your light will shine is barely impossible. It’s just a matter of patience, commitment and continuous personal development over time- not forgetting your professional development. In the African context, the means for the youth to gain accurate competencies to build their expertise and professionalism in various sectors, generally depend on the system and environment they find themselves in. In... Continue reading
  972 Hits
972 Hits

Blue Skies: Opportunities in the fruits value chain

Blue Skies is world renowned for delivering the highest quality, freshest possible fruit products that are harvested at their optimal maturity, and prepared in the countries where the fruit is grown. Blue Skies’ network of factories employs over five thousand people in Ghana, Egypt, South Africa, Brazil and the UK. They process fruits and make fruit juice for retailers throughout the world.... Continue reading
  1198 Hits
1198 Hits

How mentoring has helped me expand my animal feed business

Samwel Gatimu Murage Before I joined YPARD, I was working in animal feed formulation and production, hay and livestock keeping. I remember my dad’s reaction (he’s a dairy farmer) to my first dairy meal product: He couldn’t believe the improvement the meal made to dairy production at our farm. I never thought I would grow my company, Lesah farm, into a... Continue reading
  1427 Hits
1427 Hits

World Food Day 2015 : Achieving Zero Hunger through Youth in Agribusiness

World Food Day 2015 (16th October) had been set aside to maximize global food security with the focus on social protection and agriculture – breaking the cycle of rural poverty. With the recent launch of the Sustainable Developmental Goals (SDGs), of which “No Hunger” is the second among the 17 goals, there is a clear indication that world leaders must develop... Continue reading
  872 Hits
872 Hits

Welcoming YPARD Indonesia representative: Muhammad Iqbal Firdaus

We are delighted to welcome YPARD new national representative for Indonesia: Muhammad Iqbal Firdaus. Muhammad is a 22 year-old undergraduate student who is enrolled at the Faculty of Forestry of Bogor Agricultural University, Besides, he is an active board member of the Indonesian Green Action Forum (IGAF). Within IGAF, he has initiated some agricultural and environmental projects which engage children, youth... Continue reading
  1349 Hits
1349 Hits

Rejuvenating sustainable agriculture discourses: Increasing youth engagement

Mona Zoghbi, Global Landscapes Forum youth participant. It is counter-productive to discuss agricultural sustainability unless agriculture is made more appealing to today’s youth. Indeed young people are those who have the best capabilities for change on a long term, for a climate-smart agriculture - that’s to say, for a productive agriculture that doesn’t deplete our environment. This was the viewpoint and... Continue reading
  946 Hits
946 Hits